yey! school officially started today - sort of prelude to preschool. i did not really intend to enrol her for the summer camp. but since she has been insistent in going to school after her kindermusik - i have to give in...
this is what she looks like on her first day :)
dress: DVFxGAP (gift from ta ags) shoes: sun-san saltwater |
we arrived on time and my xia was just too excited that she just turned her back on me to join her teacher as soon as we get inside the school. unlike other classmates who have yayas with them on their first day, xia just went in on her own. the entire 3.5hrs was a breeze for her!
and since pictures are not allowed (which makes me so sad because it's a milestone and i want it documented, i did it again! yes, i peeped through the small space from the glass door to see how she's doing. look at her! :)
after the class, teacher told me xia was so behaved the whole time. she did what she was asked to and did not mess with her classmates!
and when asked: "did you enjoy school, xia?" her response was an astounding: "YES mama! tomorrow ulit?" :)
now, it's confirmed: she's indeed ready for school!!!